Monday, January 24, 2011


Just another Monday.  That may be disappointing for many but for me it is a relaxing feeling. I will soon enough have a couple days off from the jobby job to get some Real Estate work done and relax.  It has been a much easier weekend than I had anticipated due to my slight schedule shift.  I feel more awake and have much more energy.

Over the weekend I made a few dishes to eat at home and take to work.  I made a great salad with a homemade strawberry vinaigrette dressing.  It was light enough to remind me of warm summer days in the heart of winter.

I also made a fried rice dish that has been a staple for years.  I was able to make enough for me to take a few services to work for my 16 hour day yesterday.  It was nice to have.


  1. yum fried rice! I haven't made that in ages . . . !

  2. Oh I love fried rice. Sorry you had to work a 16 hr day that's no fun:( I hope you like your job!

  3. That rice looks amazing!

    So, what do you do for work that takes up so much time? You work crazy hours!

    I've had periods of time where I worked like that and I have finally burnt out from it!

  4. I love homemade fried rice with tofu :-) What do you put in yours? Enjoy your time off!

  5. 16 hour day? jeez! when i first went vegan i missed fried rice! yours looks really good. and thats an excellent idea, strawberries in a dressing.

  6. Your strawberry vinaigrette reminds me of one I had in Canada this summer--love!
