Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cookie calvary via my mailbox

Coincidentally enough, as I have been struggling to refine (read: discover) my baking skills via the basic chocolate chip cookie, I get a gift in the mail.  A pretty great gift I might add.

During Vegan MoFo I entered several give-aways, several of which I won.  One give away giver (Kuntrageous Vegan), got side tracked with life.  No big deal but the follow through was amazing!  I was so thrilled today to discover a bulging mailbox filled with 2 great cookbooks and an issue of Vegetarian Times magazine.  One of the books was the acclaimed (and much needed right now in my house) "Vegan Cookies invade your cookie jar".  Well, I do not have a cookie jar and cookie do not last long in my house since all of my teeth are sweet but this book will open me up!  I can feel it.

There is nothing like a great and unexpected gift.


  1. Love both those cookbooks. The rocky road cookie is my fave, but pretty much everything I've tried in VCIYCJ are awesome! However, the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe I've made comes from The Joy of Vegan Baking. I made a batch for the first time this week, and we can't stop eating them. My boyfriend says it's the best cookie I've ever made, and I've baked a ton of different recipes in the last 6 months for us!

  2. Thats the best! Its like when you hide money from yourself and find it later, after you forgot you did it. I'm not the only one who does that right?

    FYI--I am willing to accept cookies in the mail. Just in case you were worried, I would scorn them if you sent them as a gift.

  3. Appetite for Reduction and VCIYCJ? Sounds very balanced ;) The cookie book is totally awesome! I've only made five or six recipes so far, but they all came out wonderful.

  4. thought i left a comment here...i reallly want that "appetite for reduction":) you have mentioned a few times about wanting to improve your baking skillz' so im glad you won this! your chocolate cookies and pancakes(pancakes are similar to baking:)) look great!

  5. You are so lucky! What could be better than a great mail day? A great mail day AND cookies!

  6. Oh man I am so jealous of your Vegan Cookies cookbook!!! I have been wanting that. I bought the cupcake one instead, don't ask me why. And I am not even that into cupcakes!

  7. Love both of those cookbooks. My cookie recommendations are the rocky roads and the pecan bars. AWESOME!

  8. Those are two cookbooks that are on my want list!!!
    Ditto on what Carissa said....I did the same thing. :o)

  9. YAY! I'm so glad they came :)

    I made that snack, i drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar on a plate, dip the bread in it, then bake it up <3

  10. Oh, excellent picks! I need to grab a copy of Isa's latest book as well...

  11. Hah , say cookies and u soon have me excited:-)
    Lovely blog and well looking forward to baked goodies out here!
    ofcourse im a cookie lover too:-)
    Happy day!
