Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jobby job, fries, weddings.

I got home from my full work week at the jobby job on Tuesday night.  I was so relieved and relaxed to be done for a few days.  It will give me plenty of time to do some Real Estate prospecting and enjoy some time off.

As a reward to myself for getting it through another week at work, I made myself some unhealthy food to enjoy while watching a game.  Pre-packaged soy chicken and homemade zesty fries were on the menu.  It was a relaxing evening at home.

I have had several people ask me what I do at the jobby job.  As mysterious as it sounds, I can not actually say.  My company has a policy that we are not allowed to disclose our employer in a media venue.  It is silly really.  I do not to anything glamorous or even socially meaningful at all.  I am a manager.  It is a job.

I got a chance to have a nice conversation with my good friend Jonny yesterday.  He is getting married later this year, which blows my mind.  I agreed to be in the wedding, which shocks even myself.  The short story here is that I will be making a long trip back up to Maine late this summer.  It will be a good time and very interesting.


  1. Those zesty fries look great & what's better than a summer trip to Maine? :)

  2. Those fries look yummy...sounds like a great reward to me!
    I would love to go to maine some day. It looks like such a cool place!

  3. Those are some tasty looking fries! It's fun to have something indulgent after a long week.

  4. Mmmm, I think I want some fries :-)

  5. *sigh of relief* i thought it was just me that had no idea what your jobby job was!!! lol!! in the future do you want to do real estate full time?
