Monday, November 29, 2010


Fitting that after 3 brutal days of long hours at work, now, I am sick.  I blame the recycled air and neon lights.  I have another short shift to work tonight and it looks like I will be sick just in time for my days off.  Classic.

Since I did not have a bedtime snack, I found time to make myself a chocolate cake.  After my 17 hour shift (while feeling sick) last night, I decided to reward myself before bed with a quick threesome.  Me and two pieces of cake!

I hope that I will feel better and be able to make myself some soup or something tomorrow for the end of Vegan MoFo.  Until then, I will spend another night at work.


  1. Aww, bummer. All work and no play usually leads to sickness. Luckily, cake helps.

  2. ugh! that used to happen to me all of the time -- sick for spring break, etc. feel better soon!

  3. The cake looks yummy! I hope you will feel better soon. Try some hot ginger-garlic-cayenne pepper soup, some hot lemon tea, gargle with warm salt water, take a hot bath and try to get some rest. Echinacea helps, too.

  4. That cake looks great, where did you find the time!!!!

  5. All we need is a nice tall glass of a cold refreshing non dairy milk to go with that great cake...excellent.

  6. teehee... you chocolate perv. :)

  7. ah ha ha! your threesome sounds like my kinda threesome! tee hee! that stinks that you're sick and working like crazy! i really hope it calms down with all the work, that ya get to make some tasty soup, and feel better fast!

  8. The cake looks great. I found a vegan chocolate cake recipe in The Joy of Cooking...imagine that.

  9. Great lookin' cake!
    I wish I had some right now, to fulfill my cakeless life.

  10. Awww... feel better soon! (I'm sending some vegan-soup-making-power your way.)

    In the meantime, just be responsible during your "threesomes" and wear a bib! LOL!

  11. Yum, that cake looks so moist and chocolaty!

  12. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. That cake looks mighty tasty!

  13. I hope you are feeling better soon! That cake looks delish and should help with at least lifting your spirits :)
