Sunday, November 28, 2010

44 hours in 3 days

By tonight, I will have worked 44 hours in 3 work days.  It has been long and tiring.  It has not allowed me much time to cook, let alone blog.

On thanksgiving day, Ashley brought me a plate of food while I was at work.  It was very nice of her and she even used some soy chicken to try out my spicy cranberry sauce recipe.  They turned out really well and added nicely to the plate of stuffing and her mac and cheese recipe.  It was really nice to have some food on a long day, especially one that everyone else was eating all sorts of homemade goodies.

With a few hours off between sleeping and my next shift, I was able to whip up a huge bucket of pasta to have for work.  This has been a lifesaver.


  1. What a wonderful friend to bring you a Thanksgiving meal when you had to work. I'm sorry you are working such crazy hours. It's always hard to work such long hours. The pasta looks wonderful.

    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving even though you had to work.

  2. Wow, that's crazy: 44 hours in 3 days. And I thought I had worked a lot lately.? That's nothing in compares to you.

  3. that's a lot of work! wow... you must be burnt out.

  4. It will al pay off someday...keep truckn''ll do well.

  5. Pasta can save lives, I am sure.

    I hope that all your work is fruitful.

    Take care


  6. So much work! You deserve a break!

    But so nice of Ashley to bring you that awesome looking plate of food on Thanksgiving! It looks super does the pasta...can't beat it for quick satisfaction when you don't have time to cook!

  7. that is such a bummer that you had to work on thanksgiving. how nice that you had ashley bring you food - that's the spirit of thanksgiving.

  8. Happy belated Thanksgiving! Hope things are calming down for you now.
