Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vegan MoFo: 30 days of Posting!

I made it!  This last day of Vegan MoFo and I posted each day!  I honestly did not think I would be able to, generally I do not have much to say.

I had good intentions of making something special for the MoFo finale however, I have extreamly sick today and yesterday.  Ashley was nice enough to come over and make me some soup.

It was very good, I think.  It was hard to tell since I am not sure I can taste much.  I hope I can get back to good health soon so that I can post more frequently (although not daily) and share more of my life with my reads.

MoFo was a lot of fun and I found so many great new blogs to follow!  It has been a fun month and I am sad to see it leave.


  1. Great job on all the MoFo posts! Well done; I didn't even get close to 30!

    Hope you feel better soon! Ashley's soup looks wonderful...and healing!

  2. Congrats on every day Vegan MoFo posts!

  3. so good, nice job....all you need now is some homemade dinner rolls.

  4. Well done! I am sorry that you are feeling sick, if you like a have a good recipe for a Vegan Chicken Soup here

    you just need someone to make it for you...

    otherwise add a lot of fresh ginger to any broth, or tea, it helps :-)

  5. Congratulations! Really impressive, I ony made it to 21.
    Feel better soon.
