Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lunch at the Jobby Job

It has been another two days off long hours at the jobby job.  A total of about 30 hours in 2 days.  Obviously, this did not allow me much time to cook or blog however, this is exactly what I had been preparing for.  Deli Slices and Japanese Mushrooms and Tofu Soup to the rescue!

I packed up a great couple of meals to drag to work.  Two sandwiches with vegan mayo and deli slices, a banana and a bowl of my new soup!  It was perfect.  In the two long days at work, typically I would have spend around $15 - $20 on food.  This time around?  $0.00.  Not to mention, it was so much healthier and flavorful.  I just hope I can keep up my good efforts!


  1. I love to bring sandwiches and bananas to work, too!

  2. I pack a lunch EVERY day for work, and it does save SO much money! Plus, you're right -- it's healthier, too!

  3. Man that is a lot of work! I pack lunch every day for work and it is such a money/time saver. I just double recipes up when I cook dinner, and the pack the leftovers for lunch. I find that the best lunches are leftovers.


  4. Packing a lunch always makes you feel accomplished. And its usually way better than the stuff you pick up on the fly!
