Saturday, November 27, 2010

Relaxing rainy night of basketball

It was a rainy but warm night the other day.  I had some soy mint chocolate milk in the refrigerator.   I heated some up on the stove and sat out on the porch and relaxed with my awesome mug.

Later that same night, I had my usual.  A large plate of zesty french fries while watching the game.  My team lost so in my sadness, I made some popcorn to brighten my mood and hope the next game would go better.


  1. Those fries look incredible! Will bookmark, make, and report back.

  2. That sounds like a nice way to enjoy a rainy evening. I love listening to rain. And those fries looks scrumptious.

    Sorry your team lost.

  3. Chocolate mint soymilk sounds good- especially hot, now that it's turned cold here all of a sudden!

  4. What a cute mug! I had some hot almond milk with cinnamon the other night, but I prefer hot chocolate or cocoa.

  5. Can I ask which one is your team or is it a silly question?

  6. That is one awesome mug. I so agree.

  7. you always make me want fries and i never make them. I bought a giant sack o'taters thought and it's on tonight.
    BTW; your comment made me smile
