Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The week before vacation seems so uneventful.  To an extent, it does not even matter what happens, it is all just a waiting game until that last minute of work and that first taste of freedom.  One week from today will be those moments for me.  I am already on my pre-cation.

The garden seems to be coming alive, the kitties are adjusting well, and one player foods have been all over my kitchen.  I hope that after I return from vacation, I will have the motivation to get more cooking done.

A few weeks ago, I saw a sight that reminded me of my childhood of entrepreneurship and even those stories of the past.  Some things will never change.

lemon-aid  $0.50 per cup


  1. I TOTALLY had pre-cation brain last week! I was not present at work at all!

    I'm now experiencing post-cation -- can anyone say, "five loads of laundry??? no food in the fridge???" At least I have another day off to recover!

  2. The kitties are looking very relaxed. I'm so glad they are settling in. Congratulations on closing! It takes a while to make a name for yourself and gain business. Have fun vacationing with Mary and Ben.
    - Love, Nom

  3. dude the girl down the street sells half a cup of kool-aide for a buck! what a little scammer...seriously..and i live in a dead-end street..so theres no getting out from buying one
