Sunday, August 22, 2010

The cupcake guy?

I am not really the cupcake guy.  Let me clarify.  If you put a (vegan) cupcake in front of me I will be all over it.  I am a huge fan of cupcakes, or any cakes for that matter.  However, I can not make cupcakes very effectively.  It is a sad state of affairs, I am a snack goon that can not bake.

That is not entirely true, I have a few solid baked goods that I can make and are quite good, any of my cheesecakes would be a good example.  I have also stumbled on a few great cake and cookie recipes in my struggle with the oven treats.  It is just not my forte'.

I have worked far to many hours in the last several days.  I have actually logged more than 32 hours in the last 3 days at work and some how I managed to both squeeze in a closing and give my good friend Myrna a much needed driving lesson now that she has attained her permit.  The long hours does not allow me to go to bed until about 4am each day.

Last night, after work I got caught up in a cooking contest show about cupcakes.  Today, I decided to dive in.  I will not be left out of the baking world.  I made some ginger coconut filled cupcakes with coconut cream cheese icing.  I am going to put a bit more effort into making the icing thicker on this cupcake before I post a recipe.  The taste was spot on though.  I cheated a bit and used the Golden Vanilla Cupcake recipe but I did make the filling and the icing on my own.


  1. Yum! Ginger and coconut would make a GREAT combination, in my opinion! Two of my favorite flavors.

  2. I will not be left out of the baking world...that is so cute/sad,lol awww
