Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dinner out!

After a day that began a bit slow it finished strong.  I had a great dinner with Ashley and her good friend Candice.  Ashley made some alfredo pasta with garlic rolls and a caesar salad.  She is really going all out with her ability to cook vegan foods and occasionally, I get the benefits!

I made some peach lemon-aid to go with dinner and a few banana splits to have after.

Peach Lemon-aid

10 lemons
2 peaches
5 cups of water
2 cups of sugar

Cut the lemons in half and juice them.  This is an easy task with a juicer, if not the lemons will need to be squeezed until they release no more juice.   Once the lemon are empty shells, pour the liquid into a blender.  If a juicer was not used, the seeds will need to be filter out.  One way to do this is to pour the juice through a coffee filter or fine vegetable grater to sift the seeds out.  Depending on the size of the lemons, this should yield about 1 cup of juice.

Peel and remove the pit from the two peaches.  Cut into chucks and place in the blender.  Puree the lemons and peaches until smooth and liquid.  Add the sugar and water and puree until the sugar has dissolved, should take about 1 minute.

This turned out wonderful as a nice summer drink for a hot southern day.  It was very refreshing and the peaches were subtle enough to allow the lemons to sour through.


  1. "...occasionally, I get the benefits!" hahaha
    "vegan benefits"...scandalous!

    i always love your recipes,,, but...i cant help instantly OCD'ing and revamping them to be more "michelle friendly" (ie..less sugar/fat/cal) lol
