Friday, August 7, 2009

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie and dinner

I woke up today to another call from the contractor. He setting up a meeting at the house with the roofer and his crew on Wed. I am happy that I hear from them every couple of days. It is a nice relief. They seem to be on top of their game. It is refreshing since all the rumors you hear about contractors are that they disappear for long periods of time. He said that the entire scope of work should be completed in 3 months. It is going to be an exciting process and I will keep you all up to date.

In a couple of weeks, I will be heading to New Hampshire for a weekend. It will be a nice mini vacation. It will mark the first time I have seen the beach in awhile. I miss New England. I will also get to eat at grasshopper in Boston. Yum! Fungus soup!

Tonight, I made some nice dinner. It was several things that I have made before however, I made variations of them. We had boiled vegetables, potato salad (with a dash of liquid smoke), and marinated smoked tofu steaks. For dessert I also made a chocolate peanut butter pie, there was extra chocolate so I threw in some raisins and ran with it. It looks sketchy but tastes great!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

Chocolate mixture

8 oz of (vegan) chocolate chips
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of soy milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla

In a sauce pan, heat the chocolate chips and sugar until they are both fully melted. The mixture may get dry, add the soy milk as it thickens. Once it looks smooth, add the vanilla and mix again. The mixture should be smooth and a bit on the runny side.

Pie filling

12 oz of (firm) silken tofu
1 3/4 cup of creamy peanut butter
1 cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of (vegan) cream cheese
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
1 teaspoon of vanilla

In a food processor, blend the tofu, cream cheese, and peanut butter. Process until the mixture is smooth and light brown in color. Add the sugar and blend again. The mixture should be smooth and creamy. Add in the maple syrup and vanilla and blend again.

The construction

Take a graham cracker crust, our a thin layer of the chocolate mixture over the bottom. Be careful not to let the chocolate cool as it will pull the graham cracker apart. Over the top of the chocolate, pour all the peanut mixture. With a spoon, smooth out the mixture. Then drizzle the remaining chocolate over the top in an aesthetically pleasing and delicious manner. Chill for 3 hours and serve cold.


Anonymous said...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie! YUM!!!

Amanda said...

So funny..I was just making your peanut butter ball recipes (they are in the fridge waiting for chocolate..can't wait!) and here you are posting yet another tempting recipe! Hope you have a great time in Boston. Grasshopper is great..I also like My Thai in Chinatown if you get a chance to check out another vegan restaurant (used to be Buddha's Delight. Fiore's in JP is also has some really great vegan selections (bakery items plus pizza/sandwich). So true about contractors but glad that you found some good ones. We've had pretty good luck too but with the exception of one electrician but our overall batting average isn't horrible. Good luck with everything!

Tara said...

Hi! I'll be in Atlanta before my flight on Wednesday, and Abby and I are going to Pizza Fusion for lunch. E-mail if you can join us!

Hannah said...

Normally I would be tempted to skip dinner in favor of that incredible dessert, but they both look really delicious!

Andrea said...

I've never tried chocolate/pb pie..
Hope you have a nice trip !

Hannah said...

Mmm, the classic chocolate peanut butter pie never gets old... And yours looks so beautiful. :)

The Voracious Vegan said...

This looks amazing! I think I might have to make this tomorrow.