Monday, November 16, 2015

Two shows this weekend!

This was a great weekend.  Friday I was able to spend some needed quality time with Ashley and watch a movie during the afternoon.  It was a relaxing opportunity that we do not get often enough and really set the tone for a nice weekend.

That evening Kaleigh and Ashley opted to stay home while I took the drive to Bath for a show.  My friend James had set it up and I helped him get his first touring band, Puberty Wounds.  They were a lot of fun and it was great to see some new faces as well as some old friends!

Saturday I spent the day baking and the evening we hosted a show at our space.  We had a lower turnout but it was still a lot of fun.  I was happy to see some good friends and make some new ones.  Our season for shows at our house is coming to a close soon but it has been amazing watching it grow!  So proud of what we have all done as a community.

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