Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Mum had a Birthday!

Sunday we celebrated my mother's birthday.  She had family and friend come over and do a painting class with her.  It was a lot of fun and resulted in some pretty cool paintings!

I baked her a cake, cinnamon raisin cake with a layer of pineapple butter cream topped with vanilla butter cream and crushed pecans.  I really have been enjoying cake baking!

My mum has been a great influence in my life and I am so happy that she is creating her own space and enjoying her life now.  She lived unhappily for too long at the expense of an awful husband and the resulting children who were a challenge.  It is great to see her flourish and love her time now.  Happy Birthday mum!

1 comment:

  1. every breath i breath and every step ive taken
    every person ive met and lives ive created
    has delivered me to this sacred place
    In gratitude for ALL people who have been on the path with me as I to return to myself
