Monday, June 15, 2015

Squashed Warehouse Kick Off Show!

One of the goals in moving to Maine was to have a space that we could use for punk shows.  It needed to be a big enough space to get about 60 or so folks in but also small enough to not be a burden to the neighbors.  We have a standalone 900 sqft garage space that we call the Squashed Warehouse that fits the bill perfectly and last Saturday was our first show; the test run.

The first band to ever play at our space, was Cheers to Verona.  They are a local band that plays some melodic post hardcore type stuff.  They were a really fun band to watch live.  They were energetic and the love for their songs really came through.  They might have felt a little out of their element with such a DIY punk space but they still rocked out.

The second band to ever play the Squashed Warehouse was Hogans Alley.  These dudes have been around forever.  When I was a teenager these guys were playing the DIY spaces and they are still holding to it.

Due to an unforeseen issue, Sonic Libido did not play but fortunately, Tyler Voter was able to step in and take their place!  Tyler is a staple at The Loft shows in Skowhegan so he fit right in at our space.  He rocked his usual set with the help of some of the other Skowhegan kids as his back up band.

Lastly, Uncle Spudd was the cap to the show.  Near the end of their set, the Cheers to Verona folks showed back up as well as some other punk folks from further north.  Still a small turn out but perfecct for the first show.  The circle storms were started and I think the Cheers to Verona crew started to feel a little more at home as they participated in what melted into a mayhem of old punk covers (a couple of which I joined them singing) repeat songs from their set and generally fun chaos.

Although I wish more folks had shown up, I think the 1st show went extremely well.  There were no real issues to work out for the next time and we made some new friends as well.  The next show is right around the corner, come check it out and have fun!

June 19th!

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