Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Back to the stove top.

Over the past year or more, when I have made Indian food I have been using the slow cooker.  Recently, I have been unhappy with the performance and felt it might be a lazy way for me to have gone about making such dishes.  They just did not have the flavors and textures I was looking for,

I decided to go back to basics.  I made channa masala on the stove top like I should.  I brought it all back to the way I made it years ago.  It turned out fantastic.  The rice soaked up all the great sauce and the dish was heavy in flavor without being acidic.  It was great.

For now, I am back to making it on the stove.  This was a great dish!  Not to mention the vegan samosas we foud at the dollar store being fairly good.

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