Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Working the pallets!

Sunday afternoon we hosted a small event at our house.  Fun with Pallets.  It was short notice and only family came but we had a blast.  We had a cookout with my new birthday grill: potatoes, BBQ mushrooms, corn on the cob, melon, and pasta salad,  It was great to cook outside like this.  It is something I have never done in my cooking "career".

After lunch, the kids and I all started working on pallets.  We made about 10 raised beds for the garden and a 2nd compost bin so we can allow the one I made last fall start to decompose fully.  After the pallets, Ashley and some of the kids started another 200 seedlings while I took a couple of the kids and planted 3 raspberry and 3 blueberry bushes.

My mother was at the house as well.  Everyone got a chance to get some Reiki done with Returning.  We got a ton of work done in an afternoon.  It was a really productive day and it felt great.  Spring is coming and we are going to grow some food!

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