Monday, April 20, 2015

More Squashed Orders!

My new company, Squashed kept me busy over the weekend with a number of orders.  We had an order on for delivery on Saturday that went well.  We made 4 different type of cupcakes and they looked great.  The customer was very happy.

Sunday I made another dozen of the cardamom with lavender icing for another order.  I also had been meaning to try to use my jumbo cupcake tray.  Since I was already baking I figured it was a good time to try.  They came out perfect, super moist.  I just did a simple vanilla cake with chocolate icing but it was great, and huge!


  1. I am the customer who ordered the cupcakes Saturday, and they were seriously amazing. My only complaint is they tasted so good we each ate three!!!! Honestly they were so good its hard to say which flavor was best. The boyfriend liked the chocolate peanut butter, my little sister liked the chocolate with cookies and cream, and I LOVED the cinnamon with butter cream. My other sister thought butterscotch was hands down best. That is saying a lot. Next time I need (errr... crave) cupcakes, I will be heading your way. Thank you again!!

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback and the order!
