Friday, March 27, 2015

Squashed, official launching of our vegan food company!

It is official.  After months of prepping, I (with the help of both Ashley and Kaleigh) have launched my business.  We are locally (for now) offering vegan treats for special events and business retail.  Our main focus is cupcakes but we can do cookies and candies as well.

We hope to expand to a line of vegan jerky, vegan deli slices, and a few frozen mock meat products very soon.  We are very excited about the future of this venture!  Wish us luck on this fantastic ride!

Check us out and like us on a major social media site: here.

We are always looking for advice from folks who have already been heading down this road and any support folks might be able to offer.  Thanks so much.  (No, this blog will not end)

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