Monday, March 30, 2015

Maine Punk Rock is Alive and Well!

Kaleigh and I attended a punk show in Portland this weekend.  It was an early starting show with a fairly early finish so she wanted to come.  She had a great time but fell asleep on the floor during the final band.  We both had a great time and it was amazing to see a lot of people I had not seen in years.

First up was Uncle Spudd.  They are some young dudes from Skowhegan.  Kaleigh and I have seen them a few times previously but this was by far their best performance.  They were tight, and aggressive.  In my opinion, they may have sounded better than anyone else that night.  These dudes are the future of Maine punk.

Second was Red Tape.  I had been hearing a lot of about this Mass based band and was looking forward to seeing them.  They were really good and seem to really enjoy playing together.  I am looking forward to hearing them again soon.

Third was Jonnee Earthquake Band.  I had never seen them before but they have been playing a lot of Maine and New Hampshire shows for the last few years.  If you like 1960's underground rock/surf music then these guys are pretty good.  Not really my taste and sometimes I feel like this style of music is out of place at a punk show but still worth a watch.  Kaleigh enjoyed them.

88' Rangers were next.  They bridged the gap between Jonnee and the punk bands as they played a more punk-ish rockabilly.  They were certainly good and a fun watch.

Closing it out was USA Waste.  I had not seen this band since I last lived in Maine.  It has been about 15 years since I watched these dudes play.  With only 1 original member they were a fun watch.  Brett Threat is always fun to watch play.  This was the crowd favorite and a good way to close out a fun night of punk rock.

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