Monday, February 2, 2015

Thyme for the Soup-er Bowl!

I am not much for puns and even less for football however, the girls and I celebrated in true american fashion.  I made one of Kaleigh's favorite soups, thyme and white bean.  I also made some kale chips topped with my new BBQ rub.  The girls thought it was a little spicy but I thought they were fantastic.

Ashley made some nice vegan grilled cheeze with some store bought slices.  It has been years and years since I have had a grilled cheeze.  She also made some cool buffalo roasted cauliflower bites with a side of my vegan ranch.  Despite my aversion to buffalo sauce, these were quite good and perfect for the big game.  A game we had no intention of watching.

Instead of the football game, we watched an old-school kung-fu movie!  We had a great night and fortunately the snow held off until this morning!  Go Soup-er Bowl foods, and no game!

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