Monday, November 10, 2014

If it's not all ages, its not my punk rock.

Last night, Kaleigh and I went to another show in Skowhegan.  I am continually impressed with how much effort these kids put in, they are holding true to the DIY ethic in typical Maine fashion.  The show is generally littered with kids that do not really look like your typical punkers, while being really warm, inviting and welcoming to anyone who shows up.  They bands they book keep the pace as well.  It has been a great experience to take Kaleigh to these shows.  People have been very excited to see such a young kid at the shows.  If its not all ages, it's not my punk rock.

Last night was opened by an acoustic set and followed by Uncle Spudd.  Uncle Spudd is fun to watch because their drummer makes some really wild faces and beats those drums really hard for such a small space.  It really gives them a driving sound.

After Uncle Spudd was The Dintlos.  This was the first time I saw them play their own set.  Last time we were their they played an all Misfits cover set for Halloween.  They had some really good songs and I can see they will be very good very soon.  They are less poppy then Uncle Spudd and have some really good riffs.

Then came the surprise of the night.  Crystal Methodist.  These kids from Dover New Hampshire burned the place down.  Brutal power violence.  They were awesome.  Sometimes it is sad that bands like this get lost in the isolation of small town punk rock because these guys could throw punches with any power violence band out there right now.  Blistering, tight, explosive, and really energetic and fun to watch.  Kaleigh had been sitting on the floor for most of the show until these kids started.  She popped right up and got in close to the action!

Lastly was Tino Valpa.  I have been out of the New England scene for a long time but from what I understand, these kids have been in a lot of bands over the years.  Their experience showed.  Tight play and catchy guitar riffs kept the circle storm brewing.  Kaleigh really enjoyed this set as well, she was even stomping her foot to the drums!

It has been really inspiring to see these Skowhegan shows.  Since being back in Maine I have been to some shows in Portland as well and they just do not have that same feel.  They do not have the youthful energy of creating something new and having the pride of knowing it is your scene.  This is what punk rock is about.

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