Thursday, November 6, 2014


Halloween was lost in the shuffle of dinner parties and snow storms but it did in fact happen.  It is great having a 7 year old in my life and holidays like this really make me excited.  When I was a kid, Halloween was one of my favorites and it is for Kaleigh as well.

This year, she wanted to be a dead princess.  She says that she doesn't like princesses so she wanted to be a dead one.  It was a little morbid but that is what Halloween is about.  There are far too many pre-made action hero costumes out there. I am glad that Kaleigh let us do her up and I think she had one of the coolest costumes we saw!

It was a night of candy, family, and fun.  I wish every day was Halloween!  I even got to talk to Kaleigh about some of the history of the holiday.  She was very excited!

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