Monday, September 8, 2014

Blackfly Ball!

I am still trying to catch the blog world up on my recent move to Maine.  We have done a lot of fun things and trying to capture them all is an enjoyable but time consuming task.

Shortly after Ashley's birthday, we headed to the Blackfly Ball in Machias Maine.  The Ball is hosted by the Beehive Collective which does radical artwork in larger than life fashion.  It is extremely impressive work that everyone should check out if they have the chance.

We traveled the distance to Machias mainly to see a band that Ashley, Kaleigh and I all enjoy, Blackbird Raum.  They are a folk/punk band from the west coast with some great politics and an amazing stage presence.

It turned out to be a late night with a nearly 3 hour drive home after a show that ended at midnight but it was well worth the time.  We all had a great day!  I hope next years Ball is as good as this years was.

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