Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ashley turned 28!

We have been working really hard on getting the house straighten out and trying to balance having fun.  Shortly after the girls arrival, Ashley was able to celebrate her birthday!  She went on a whale watching cruise, it was something she had always wanted to do.  She had a great time.

After the cruise, we went to a local Thai restaurant in Hallowell for her birthday dinner.  I made her a cookie cake for dessert.  It was a low key birthday but we have been pretty busy.

My computer is on its way out.  Sadly, this is a bad time for it to happen because it is hard to rationalize buying a new PC when we also need more insulation for the coming Maine winter.  I have been trying my best to get by with it.  It has been reformatted and it is somewhat improved.  I am trying to use a new photo editing program as well.  New software takes some getting used to and going through all the photos I have taken since the move is going to require some serious time.