Thursday, May 15, 2014

Raven Cliff Falls trip

Recently, the girls and I took a nice late spring hike.  We hi-jacked Kaleigh from school.  We feel pretty strongly that some time in the woods experiencing nature is worth far more than the grind of academia.  We do not keep her out of school often but we do feel she gets a lot out of our family hiking trips.

This time we took her a couple hours north to Raven Cliff Falls.  Its about 5 miles round trip but not a difficult hike.  With Ashley and Kaleigh's little legs, it was still an all day event.  I got to use my new tri-pod and I think I got some great pictures.

We have lunch while sitting at the top of a waterfall and used out new water-filled pack to stay hydrated.  It was nice to be so hands free.

1 comment:

  1. nice! I'm glad you all were able to take this hike. Daniel & I went on this trip with some friends during college spring break, and we loved the shady trails. We haven't been back yet, but would like to!
