Monday, May 12, 2014

3rd Annual Mother's Day Brunch

For the past three years, I have hosted Kaleigh, Ashley and her mother for a three generation Mother's Day brunch.  I always try to keep it fresh and new while maintaining the old classics.  Typically there is a home fries and pancakes.  This year, we opted for a waffle and homefries.  We also had a fruit cup (tucked into a dragonfruit bowl) and biscuits with gravy.

With Ashley and Kaleigh now living with me, I enlisted my prep cook (Kaleigh) to help make brunch.  Kaleigh measured and mixed all the biscuits and did the entire fruit cup herself.  We make a great kitchen team.

While the cooking was going on we took care of the house.  A little cleaning and presentation of flowers and cards.  It turned out great.  I do not have much experience with biscuits but we used a recipe out of Vegan Brunch and they turned out great!  We increased the herbs and the were packed with flavor.


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