Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Doing it BAD

Kaleigh and I have started calling breakfast for dinner, BAD (breakfast and dinner).  We get to feel awesome about the name by being in the store, brainstorming a dinner plan, turning to each other and saying "Lets be BAD".  She gets a real kick out of it and fortunately, she really likes tofu scramble!

We recently had BAD.  Waffles, tofu scramble, soy sausage, and fruit.  We have been BAD-ing about twice a month and loving it!  We even make a breakfast burrito for her lunch with the left overs.  I guess that would be BAL, which sounds far less awesome.

I have still been really busy with the house and the jobby job is also hectic this time of the year.  Things will cool down soon though, I am sure.

1 comment:

  1. I coulda sworn I left a comment on this post - maybe I just read it and giggled. This is definitely my second time reading it. Anyway, love BAD!
