Monday, December 9, 2013

Brooklyn Brine! Get a pickle!

Before I dive into the Thanksgiving food posts, I wanted to use this space for a plug.  I rarely use my blog to promote a company or product, as I am opposed to the commercialization of food on a fundamental level.  Today, I make an exception.

Growing up in Maine as a punk kid, I am always thrilled to see one of my old punk buddies creating great things for themselves.  My old friend Shamus has created something very special.  Brooklyn Brine.  An amazing pickle company out of NYC.  I had the opportunity to get my hands on some of his pickles recently.  I found them at a big name natural foods store, I bet they are in your area too!

They were incredibly crisp with a refreshing natural taste.  They were no tto sweet and not to tart, just a perfect balance.  It is hard to find such a good pickle, especially here in the south.  It really reminded me of the Northeast and missing home.  I highly suggest going out and supporting a great pickle maker and enjoy some great pickles!  I served them to the family as a side with some roasted brussel sprouts and BBQ tempeh, but might have even been better with a good hummus wrap.

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