Thursday, September 5, 2013

Vacation Day 9; Mt Rainer National Park

Day 9 was going to be our final day in the woods.  After some discussion, we opted to get our first hotel of the trip and stay that night in Seattle.  The following day would be a day to do some random things in the city before catching out flight back to Atlanta.

We were not going to allow day 9 to be ruined by the return to civilization though.  We drove to the Paradise area of the park where we hikes several different trails over a couple hours of time.  We got to see a nice falls, a little wildlife and some amazing views of Rainer.

As quietly as it was kept, I had been thinking Mt. Rainer National Park was not going to be quite as stunning as the rest of the trip but I was actually quite surprised.  It was an amazing place.  A great finally to our time in the woods.

We even got to see the work of a group of beavers that had been taking down trees as well as sulfur vents coming from the active volcano underneath.  We were both feeling sad that our time in the wild was coming to a close and we both had to part ways with our walking sticks and the woods altogether.

After some brief hikes, we headed back toward Seattle to get a hotel and some showers.  We went to dinner at a Bamboo Garden.  It reminded me a lot of the Asian vegan spots here in Atlanta.  The decor was a little underwhelming but the mock meats and sauces were excellent.  We are a huge meal, having chicken nuggets as an appetizer.  Ashley ordered the chicken and beans with black bean sauce and I had the crispy chicken.

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