Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vacation Day 8: Dungeness Spit

Another early morning of packing up the campsite and heading to the hiking trail-head.  This time we were braving the longest spit in the world.  It was 12 miles round trip, on a half rock, half sand beach.  Walking that far in the sand with the sun beating down on you is no joke.

Unfortunately, I forget my camera battery in the car charger and have no pictures of the hike.  We saw so many seals that is was almost mundane.  At one point, there was a seal so close to the shore that Ashley yelled "Look Look!", the seal must have thought she was talking to him/her since he looked her dead in the eye and swam closer.  Once the seal realized that it was the cause of her excitement, he/she dipped back into the water and swam off.  It was pretty cool and we had a good laugh about it.

At the end of the spit is a light house.  I still do not see the fascination with them but it was the 2nd one we got to see on this trip.  We took a little tour of the lighthouse and had lunch before hiking back.  Front the end of the spit, you can see Mount Baker in the distance.

Ashley did a great job at mostly staying out of the sun by using the best hiking accessory ever, a bandana.  We both got a little sunburn on our faces but nothing severe.

After the hike, the sun had drain much of our energy but we had a long way to drive.  We intended on camping in Mount Rainer National Park that night.  The GPS was struggling to find a good route and we ended up finding a cool local nut shop on the side of the road.  We got all sorts of free samples and even go some to bring back with us.

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