Monday, December 10, 2012

Solace within 3 Day off!

Last week I had a little time off and planned out some adventures.  Not the type of adventures that just anyone would like but certainly adventures that were exciting for me!

Late last week, Ashley, Kaleigh and I went to the baseball field and played kickball.  It was a lot of fun, Kaleigh was actually pretty good at it.  I even booted one over the fence and made the girls go get it as I cheered cheers of victory.  Sadly, I forgot to bring my camera to this event and have no pictures to share.

On Wednesday, I headed out to Wonderroot for a hardcore show.  I have been putting more effort into finding out where shows are happening and it is something I am trying to bring back into my life, to whatever extent it fits.  This particular night was a local band called Cheap Art, they were fun to watch and it was good to see a local hardcore band.  The draw for me to this show was a band called Rat Storm.  They played politically charged hardcore and were from Indiana.  They were great!

The following night, I headed back to Wonderroot for another show.  Interestingly, there were almost none of the same faces at the show which implied to me (as someone new to the scene) that the communication is fairly disorganized.  Either way, this night was actually a mix of metal bands and hardcore.  I really dislike metal and fortunately, both hardcore bands played first so I simply left when the metal happened.  Wartorn was my draw this night.  Political crust-core from Wisconsin.  They were really good and I really enjoyed watching them.

The following day, Ashley and I went for a nice hike in a forested area in Atlanta.  There were so many birds of all sizes, I was a little scared but we made it through.  I rarely hike this time of the year due to the weather being a bit cold but it had been really nice in Atlanta recently.  It was nice to walk among all the fallen leaves and changing forest.

Then we had lunch at World Peace Cafe.  Not my favorite but Ashley wanted to go and I do like their soups.  Ashley had a burger.

That evening, we made some Bar B-Que tofu.  I made it a little different that I usually do and it was fantastic.  I may try a few variations of this style and change my recipe permanently.

It was a great feeling to find something enjoyable to do in all 3 of my days off from the jobby job.  I still took care of Real Estate business during these days but it was great to have some time for me.  I look forward to more time from me, the grind is hard.

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