Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh No!

Oh no!  I did not write it down and I forgot!  Ashley and I recently made gazpacho for us to share and take to work for the week.  It was actually fantastic.  I shared it with a co-worker as well, they really enjoyed it.  Sadly, It was about a week ago (I have been extremely busy)and I forgot what measurements I put in it to share the recipe.

The good new is that now I will have to make it again.  Mine was really chunky as I did not use and tomato sauce, just all whole veggies.  It had a nice kick too, due to the jalapenos.  It was perfect for work since I do not like to use the microwave so I eat most of my meals cold.

Another dish I have been making often to take with me to work has been mac and cheeze.  It is easy to carry off and has a good shelf life.

I have been working so much recently, at the jobby job and for real estate that I have been trying to balance my free time with a combination of fun and sitting home relaxing.  I will share some fun adventure I have been having soon.  Despite the busy schedule and the stress of working so much, I have been having a lot of fun and making some great food!

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