Friday, November 9, 2012

Smoky Mountains: Day 4; Clingman's Done & Cherokee

Sunday morning was another early rise for Ashley and I.  It was time to head back to Atlanta.  On our way out of the park we decided to stop at a very touristy spot called Clingman's Dome.  It is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and has several impressive overlooks.  We had not been there before and thought it might be worth a look.

The drive was dangerous, the fog was thick and we were concerned that once we got to the top, we would not be able to see anything.  It also looked like a storm might be rolling into the park.  When we got to the parking area, we clearly saw why this was such a famous spot.  Even in the dense for on a cloudy day, the views were spectacular.

We stayed up on the dome for quite some time and watched the fog roll from one side of the park to the other.  We saw the fight try to claw its way through the incoming rain clouds.  It was quite a morning.

After we left the dome, we went to Cherokee, North Carolina.  Cherokee is one of only 2 remaining Cherokee Indian Reservations.  The poverty as your leave the USA boarder and come to reservation territory is depressing.  It is amazing how much damage we have done.

In the reservation, there is another waterfall.  It is about 120 feet and is called Mingo falls.  We had been there once before but this time it was fairly crowded so we did not stay long.  It was time to head back to Atlanta, our mountain vacation was over.


  1. What a beautiful vacation you are having! I never knew Georgia could be so amazing.
