Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween: Trick-or-Treating and Pumpkins!

I have been pretty busy recently and it has created a back log of posts that should be up.  I will try to catch up over the next couple of days.  Things are going well, just busy.

Halloween (I know, still posting about October), was great this year.  It was one of my favorites as a child and as I grew older I have missed the excitement.  Fortunately for me, I have a 5 year old named Kaleigh that I get to spend time with!  Rightfully, she still gets excited about Halloween and I was invited to go trick-or-treating with her this year.  It was so much fun to see her run from house to house getting treats.  Things have changed a lot from when I used to go in rural Maine but it is still a blast!

A few days prior, Kaleigh, Ashley and I carved their pumpkin.  We did it free hand, since none of us are artists, we were fairly please with the results.  It also gave me the chance to make my Paprika Pumpkin Seeds, which Kaleigh gobbled up and even took a baggie to school the following day for her snack.

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