Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Struggling with Apple Crisp

As the blog world is well aware, I am not much of a baker.  I struggle following directions and it causes some issues when trying to bake.  I have several go to recipes that are hits but overall it is not my forte'.  Over the years I have dramatically improved my limited baking skills but apparently a good crisp still alludes me.

My apple crisp recipe is very tasty but I did not develop the crisp myself.  The apples were all mine, the crisp was all Ashley.  She is a quite an outstanding baker, despite her relative inexperience.  She designed the crisp on my recipe while I did the apples.

With some of the apples I had left from our recent annual apple picking trip, I opted to make my crisp recipe.  Somehow, my crisp did not come out much like a crisp, again.  My apples were spot on but the crisp was a little off.  Don't get me wrong, I still ate nearly the entire pan by myself, but it was not as good as when Ashley makes the crisp.


  1. My husband and I saw an apple crisp on The Chew yesterday (I actually hate that show, but I get stuck in it sometimes) so he made crisp last night and today I'm working on another version. Hang in there! :D

  2. I don't make crisps very often, but I've also had trouble getting the topping just right. Thankfully even the experiments usually come out tasting pretty delicious :)

  3. After writing my comment I couldn't get the written captcha code to work at first so I tried the audio option but it sounds really creepy! Am I supposed to recognise actual words in this?

  4. I'm making an apple crisp sometime this week - I'll give you the recipe and see if it helps. I'm sure it was so great, though! You always say you're not much of a baker and that is such a damn lie. And everyone who has ever eaten your baked goods knows better, fool!
