Monday, October 15, 2012

Relaxing Beans

Late last week I took a couple days and spent them cooking.  I have been extremely busy recently and it has been stressful.  Cooking is a way that i can de-stress.  It relaxes me.  I am able to feel creative and productive at the same time.  Seeing a meal come together is a relaxing feeling.  As I get older, I see myself being far less creative, cooking gives me that outlet.  Sometimes I do not even eat it, as I did with the black bean and veggie dish I made.  I just put it in the fridge for me to take to work.

I soaked the beans overnight and then roasted a handful of different peppers and tomatoes.  Tossed them all together with some kale is voila!  I have made similar variations of this simple dish before but I am slowly changing it up and this is the best rendition yet.  The roasted peppers really added some great texture to the dish.  At some point, I will post a recipe for it.  For now, just the pictures.


  1. Beautiful! I love black beans. I have some home made ones in my freezer right now (but I only have a cup left, I think!)


  2. I mostly like the look of those peppers!

    BTW, I have posted an ice cream you will approve of :-).


  3. Beans! Let me know if you ever want help with prep on a big cooking day. I helped my pal Jessica with batch cooking recently and I really enjoyed it. Haven't been able to do much of it since I shut Crack the Plates down last winter. :(
