Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MoFo from another MoFo

Due to my busy schedule recently, I have had some meal (and snack) assistance.  Ashley has been really good about helping me out by making large dishes for I can have them to take to work.  It has been really helpful and she loves to cook but rarely finds the time.

She made me a mac & cheeze casserole one of the weekends recently.  This was slightly different then her amazing mac & cheeze that she makes.  It was very good though, but I might prefer her traditional mac & cheeze.

We also had a couple of peanut butter soy milk shakes for a snack.  She makes a killer shake, so rich and creamy.  They might be my favorite snack in the last couple of weeks.

She also used some leftovers I had in the fridge to make some veggies topped with my double mushroom cream sauce and an eggplant parmesan type dish.  It was extremely good, the breading was fantastic, perfectly spiced.  This left me wanting more.


  1. Yum, that mac & cheese casserole looks pretty great.

  2. Ashley rules and that eggplant parm thing looks like the world's best. When are we gonna have you over for dinner?
