Friday, September 14, 2012

Laura Visit; Day 3: Dulce Vegan and more

 After Ashley got out of work, she picked up Kaleigh and met Laura, Terri, and I at my house.  We were going to lunch at Dulce Vegan.  I had only been once before, when they first opened and was a little underwhelmed.  It was good but the portions seemed small for the price.

This experience was night and day.  The sandwiches were quite filling and the prices were reasonable.  The food was also fantastic!  I had a Tempeh Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich.  Some folks at the table got the Eggplant Parmesan sandwich.  We also got cinnamon rolls.  All of it was outstanding.  Kaleigh really liked the cinnamon rolls.

After Dulce Vegan, we went to the park for a bit and then went to Southern Sweets for more treats!  We were determined to get all the good food that we could.

Later that afternoon it was off to work for me.  Laura and Terri took themselves out to eat at Soul Vegetarian.  When I got home, there was a surprise for me!  Laura had made me her famous peanut butter balls!

Early the next morning, I took them to the airport and said my goodbyes.  It was sad but I will see my good friend again!

1 comment:

  1. I had the TLT at Dulce Vegan on my first visit and LOVED it too. I really wished I lived closer.
