Thursday, September 13, 2012

Laura Visit; Day 2; gorging with revolution and dough

Laura, Ashley, Terri, and I got an early start on the following day.  We headed out to my new favorite spot, Revolution Doughnuts.  We ate so many doughnuts that we were all barely moving when we left.  After hitting up the doughnuts, we went to downtown Decatur where the farmers market and book expo was in full swing.  It was pretty crowded and we were all a bit uncomfortable from the fried dough in our bellies so we just walked and browsed.

We were on an eating mission, so the next stop was a new one for all of us.  Dough Bakery.  Jamie works there so she was able to make us some sandwiches and sit with us for a few minutes.  We split a couple of sandwiches between the 4 of us and I grabbed a soymilk shake for the road.

I went to work later that night but Ashley, Laura, and Terri went out to eat for dinner.  Another trip to Green Sprout.  When I got home from work, it was right off to bed since we had another early day of eating on Sunday!

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