Monday, July 9, 2012

Sweet! Burritos!

As the summer is in full swing, I tend to eat a lot of burritos.  I often blame it on Ashley, as it is typically one of her requested meal choices, however this year the burritos have been at the top of my list.  They are versatile, refreshing, and easy to take an extra to work.

I really like adding some sweet flavor to my burritos.  In the past I have added mangoes, pineapples, and the often used corn.  This time I went for the sweet potato.  It added a really nice flavor to the wrap.  The sweetness was perfect, subtle yet noticeable.


  1. I never think to put sweet potato in a burrito. Looks yummy!

  2. This looks delicious I would have never though about adding sweet potato to a burrito

  3. so delicious! i love the addition of sweet potato! yum!

  4. Sweet potato burritos are the best!

  5. I've never had a sweet burrito before, but that sounds intriguing. Now I'm in the mood for burritos but no tortillas on hand!

  6. Your burritos looks delicious and I'm sure the sweet potato made it even better!
