Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Veganiversary!

I can recall the first couple days into making the choice to go vegan, sitting in the middle of the local grocery store surrounded my products I generally consumed with my book listing animal ingredients.  I sat for hours while the rural Maine culture pushed shopping carts past me with sceptically looks.  I was only 18 and I did not care what anyone else though.  I was an anarchist punk with an attitude and now I was vegan.

After hours at the store, I liberated the products I wanted and was off to start a rarely expressed political diet.  It was 1998 and being vegan was not even something people were aware existed.  You were fortunate if you could find some veggie hot dogs at the store.  It was a world of pasta and rice with vegetables and I was off to recruit all my other punk friends to join me!

Now, 14 years later, I am still vegan but it seems so much easier to eat on the run.  While it is convenient, I am not always sure it is such a good thing as I feel I might have ate healthier back when I was forced to eat more vegetables just to get enough on my plate.  I feel like we vegans are spoiled now.  It has been a long journey, a road I never look back on.  Not many things about me as an 18 year old punk kids have changed and the veganism still rings though.

To celebrate, I made an old popular dish that I ate often as an young, angry, vegan: Bar B Que Tempeh.  I added some nice roasted eggplant and zucchini.  Coupled with a piece of my chocolate cake and I felt old school.


  1. Yum. The grilled eggplants looks fab! Happy veggieversary!

    ♥ It's Carmen

  2. Happy Veganiversary! And as usual, the food you make looks AMAZING!

  3. Happy Veganiversary to you, Vic! And yeah, we are totally spoiled now.

  4. Congrats on your veganiversary! Young angry vegan-LOL! Love it.

  5. Happy Veganiversary. And can you imagine how it was in 1990? In a small village in Belgium?

  6. Happy Veganiversary, and 100 of these days!

