Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hosting the Cracks

In a rare Friday night occurrence, I invited Adrienne and Nate (of crack the plates fame) over for dinner.  I have been neglecting my duties as a host for some time.  I often site feeling too busy when in reality I am probably feeling too anti-social.  I gave in, and hosted dinner!

When Adrienne and I were making the plans, I asked her what she would like.  She said seitan and famous fries.  Who am I do disappoint?

I decided to make a chili like dish with seitan, black beans, and veggies.  It came out very good and I used my traditional methods of making seitan.  I am not ready to share these experimental versions yet.  It was topped with fresh cilantro and sliced mango.  The dish came out well and it was quite hearty.

The fries nearly got left out.  I scrambled at the last moment to get them in the oven.  They made it and were barely ready by the time the Cracks arrived.  Fries are always a favorite.

For desert I offered up a few of the cookies I made the other day.  I have been show some self control and still have a few left.

After dinner we talked about music and shared bands and stories together.  It was a relaxing night with good food, good friends, and good conversation.


  1. I know exactly how you feel with being anti social. There are a lot of days where I just want to hang out at home and not really be around people. I force myself to go out and I usually end up having a great time. I guess it is important to remember that when I want to be lazy and stay home!

    Great looking meal! It sounds like a great night :)

  2. Loved this meal! So lucky! Blogging about it now.

  3. Sounds like a great meal to share with friends! I'd love to try chili topped with mango, and I like the look of those fries as well.
