Monday, July 30, 2012

Back on it.

I go through phases with my popcorn eating habits.  For years I have made a signature popcorn that has been a favorite of nearly everyone who has tried it.  I have gone through periods of months where I have not eaten any but recently I have been on it again.  Popcorn.

Over the last few months, I have been brainstorming about a new style of popcorn.  It is not perfect yet but it is improving.  I will share more about the masterpiece when I get there.  Until then the blog world will have to settle for images of mouthwatering delicious popcorn.


  1. I go through popcorn phases too. I'll eat it all the time then I'll go for months and not touch it. Great shot of it popping! Very cool!

  2. Does this popcorn have a stick of Earth Balance in it?
