Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day Pizza

I am not much for holidays.  Often, I work most of them so that my co-workers can go do what they want.  This year I worked a 14 hour day on Valentines.  As most on my double shifts, it was a long day.

The monday prior, I was able to spend some time with a couple of my favorite folks.  Ashley and her daughter (Kaleigh) came over for dinner and a movie.  The three of us made some nice vegan pizza and watched a movie I grew up watching, The Black Cauldron.  I also threw together a little salad for the added veggies.

I was a fun time and made me wonder if I should be taking more holidays away from the jobby job in order to spend them with the folks I like.


  1. The pizza and the salad both look perfect! Glad that you all had a great evening. I hear you with the work, hopefully you'll be able to slow down and enjoy life a little soon :)

  2. Beautiful post! Delicious pizza. You are awesome.
