Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Eating well and staying on task

I have been trying to make myself better food to take to work.  Lunches are not always the easiest when trying to avoid "going out" for lunch.  I have slacked a bit and eaten some foods that were not very good for me to eat and even a day or two that I did not eat anything at all.  I am trying to get focused.

I recently made some simple rice and beans and it has been fantastic to have at work.  It makes a great lunch, even cold.  I also picked up some organic greens to be able to pack some nice salads to go for my lunches.  Trying to eat well and stay on task is not always easy.


  1. I can relate to that, some days I am so busy that I skip breakfast, forget lunch and by dinner time my head is spinning!

  2. I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I'm a total rice and beans addict. It is one of my favorite comforting meals, and it is hearty and nutritious. Yours looks really amazing!

  3. So does this mean you're trying to get away from the one-meal-a-day thing? :-)
