Friday, October 28, 2011

A week of foods

Ashley came over the other day.  We watched a movie and she wanted to make burritos.  I am not one to object to burritos so we tore it up.  It was a nice time.

I also have been making hummus wraps for work.  They have been a wonderful food to simply grab and go.  It has been a stress filled week and it has been nice to have a simple and health meal for work each day.

Smoothies have still been a regular work event as well.  My co-workers curiosity has peaked quite a bit around the smoothies.  There is rarely a day that someone does not ask what kind I am having today or how I made it or if they can try it.


  1. Those wraps look good! And I'm gonna be one of those people who asks.... what's in that smoothie??

  2. I like your hummus wraps! Thanks for the idea for a work lunch.

  3. Nice food and really good pics :-).

  4. I love hummos wraps and that burrito...yum

  5. I've got to get my wraps on! They'd really make lunch a lot better. Hooray for burritos!

  6. The wrap looks delicious and that smoothie looks so creamy! What did you put in it?

  7. Hmmm smoothies! I haven't had a homemade one for quite a while! Your humous wrap looks really tasty!
