Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Childhood

As a kid, one of the special times of the year was Halloween.  I attribute most of this to my father.  He loves the holiday.  As a child, I can recall elaborate Freddy Kruger costumes for myself and massive costume parties for he and his friends.  It was always an exciting time of the year.

One year, he and I spent long hours making a creep haunted house in the crawl space of the old farm house we lived in.  I had a party and invited my friends to come and they all loved it.  Other times I can recall trick-or-treating near my nana's house farm house and getting candy apples and all sorts of other treats.  It seems like Halloween has changed a lot since I was a child.  I hope dad does something fun this year.  He deserves it for all the years he made this time of the year special for me.

In Atlanta, the big event for me around Halloween is Netherworld.  Netherworld is one of the top ranked haunted house in the country.  They have amazing costumes and an elaborate maze of horror each year.  It is one of the highlights of the year for me.  I really enjoy it.  This year, I even got jumped a few times!


  1. Wow, those are some elaborate costumes! Sounds like fun. I agree that Halloween has changed a lot. It's nice to have some good old time Halloween memories.

  2. Aw, Netherworld! I miss that place--so much fun!

  3. Wow that looks so fun! Living in NY I have access to tons of amazing Halloween and fall isnpired attractions as well as some top notch haunted houses but that one looks amazing and elaborate! I've always wanted to go to Eastern State Penitentiary in PA. Have you heard of it?

  4. what a great time...Happy Halloween Vic.
