Thursday, October 20, 2011

Liebster Award

“Liebster” is German and means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’.
The idea behind this award is to bring attention to bloggers who have less than 200 followers and show your support during Vegan Mofo!

The rules of winning this award are as follows:
1.       Show your thanks to those who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2.       Reveal 5 of your top picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3.       Post the award on your blog.
4.       Enjoy the love and support of some wonderful people on the www!
I think these awards are a great way to get new followers and share followers with other great blogs.  I encourage any blogger in the blog world to participate, they are great networking.

Drumroll, please...and the Liebster goes to:

Enjoy these great blogs as much as I have!  Thank you so much too Vegan Fazool for giving me this wonderful award, make sure you check out her blog as well.


  1. Aww, congrats! And thanks for the blog suggestions...

  2. Thank you Vic. I deeply appreciate this so much. I have to post this on Monday and I have to post this with a double thanks since i got the award twice in 2 weeks. I love all those great vegans that support our blogs. They are fabukous. Thank you Vic.

  3. Cool Vic! thank you for thinking of me

  4. Congratulations Vic and thank you.

  5. Aaaaaaaah! Just saw thiis! You're my fave, my liebe-blog.
