Sunday, October 23, 2011

Black Beans and Tato!

It seems pretty standard for me that when I return to the jobby job from a vacation, I end up working a silly amount of hours.  This time I was mildly pre-pared.  I soaked some black beans and made a hue bucket of them to take to work for several days.  It was something I rarely do.  I am generally (as awful as it is) a quick, canned beans guy.  I went all out and these were fantastic.

I have been keeping pretty busy over the last week back to work and I have even had one of my favorite house guests!  Tato has been here since Monday!  Despite him waking me up each morning with head-butts to the face at 8:30am, he is a great guest.  Black beans and Tato, it has made an otherwise hectic week not so bad.


  1. I love black beans and I always do a Brazilian recipe called feijoada with them, too good!

  2. ever since we started cooking our own beans a few years ago the canned ones just don't cut it anymore. dried beans are the way to go and that's awesome you were prepared and thought ahead in regards to some tasty eats while you were working so much. Tato is the handsomest man - so awesome he's visiting again. kitteh head butts are the best, no matter what time of day!
